When was the last time you truly got a good night’s sleep?
At Bliss, we understand the importance of sleep and how much those 8 hours mean to us; a good night’s sleep can really help hone your mind, body and spirit – something we hold close to our hearts at our sanctuaries.
We encourage all our guests to take as much sleep as they can, we call it sleep Bliss, it’s important – and here are 5 reasons why:
1. Good shuteye promotes healthy eating
Have you ever been exhausted and later inhaled an entire block of chocolate? Then you'll know that when you're tired, you're likely to eat more (and possibly unhealthy food too)!
Sleep and metabolism are more linked than most of us realise, being driven by the same parts of the brain. When we’re tired, the hormone that increases our appetite becomes more active, which is why we crave sweets, chocolate, doughnuts and so much more.
The great news is that if we just get an extra 30 minutes to one hour of sleep per night, we’d not only wake up looking beautiful and refreshed but watch as our waistlines shrink away! Who said losing weight wasn’t easy?
2. Sleep makes us ladies live EVEN LONGER!
Some think it's a myth, but research suggests that those who sleep more are less likely to run into health problems later in life - which can lead to an even longer life.
So, ensure you’re getting those all important 8 hours, because more time in this world means more time for spa treatments, travel and of course – the quest for bliss.
3. Sleep improves our productivity
As women we are already the queens of multi-tasking with some of us juggling multiple jobs or indeed multiple children. How is it possible to become even MORE productive?
Well, if you're looking to be more focused and productive in 2020, it’s time to focus on your sleep. Research by sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo says that proper sleep improves cognition, concentration, increases attention span and reflexes. Who would have thought that just a bit more shut eye could turn us into such superwomen!?
4. Sleep fortifies our immune systems and improves our mood
Getting a good night’s sleep can leave us feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready for a day of spreading joy and love to those around you.
This is because sleep fortifies our immune system, producing protein molecules that aid us in the fight against infections and colds.
5. Sleep improves quality of life
Whilst good sleep has many perks, improving quality of life is the one we feel most strongly about.
When you sleep well, expert Jen Nurick says you can interact better, that you're more productive, and you perform better in both a personal and a professional setting.
It leads to better concentration, a stronger memory and a longer, better quality life.
Jen says a good night's sleep should allow us to experience at least 4-5 sleep cycles - consisting of deep sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) during which we dream.
In order to get these 4-5 cycles, we need to make sure we get between six and eight hours a night.
We hope this advice encourages you to take time out for yourself and kickstart a longer, healthier, more blissful way of life!

We wanted to share our Bliss experience as far as it can go and so we created Bliss News. Even if you can’t go on a beautiful personalised Women’s Retreat right now, we hope you can take the time to add a bit more bliss to your life in whatever way you choose. Self love comes in all different shapes and sizes but the one thing it has in common is that it starts with you. We hope some of our ideas and laughs and wellness retreat additions are something you can incorporate into your everyday life... love Zoë xxx