Stepping Back From Stress


lighting a candle bliss retreat

When we don’t take time to look after ourselves and implement the self-care routines that we all deserve, our bodies can react with frequent headaches, insomnia, digestive issues and decreased productivity. It’s easy to put these symptoms down to everyday illness, but when we take time to reflect, the influence of stress on our overall health becomes very clear.

As modern life grows gradually more hectic and demanding, women are experiencing more and more daily stressors. Current statistics reveal 49% of women feel their stress levels have increased over the past five years, and this stress has led to physical and emotional symptoms impacting their day-to-day life.

At Bliss we help our ladies reduce their stress and have designed our sanctuaries to be the perfect destination to reset and refocus your mind, body and soul.

Bliss was born from the belief that allocating time for reflection and rejuvenation is the best way for us to reduce stress and to increase overall happiness and health, both inside and out. We want each and every woman to have minimal stress so they can have the opportunity to peacefully celebrate themselves every day!

4 Quick Tips for Reducing Stress

1. Lighting a Candle

Lighting a candle that’s packed with beautiful essential oils can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Some amazing scents that can help promote calmness are lavender, rose, frankincense and sandalwood.

Candles in spa setting

2. Learn to Say No

While most stressors are out of our control, our hectic schedules and commitments are certainly something that we can manage. While it’s tempting to try and fit everything in, taking on too many tasks and responsibilities will increase your stress levels. Make sure you are scheduling in enough time to focus on yourself every day.

Woman relaxing and meditating in beautiful pool in Bali

3. Reducing your Caffeine Intake

While a morning coffee can be a great pick me up and kickstart to the day, we recommend to our ladies that they watch how much caffeine they drink throughout the day. High amounts can make us jittery, cause headaches and induce anxiety!

Cups of coffee

4. Exercise

Regular exercise is hugely important for combatting and reducing stress as it lowers our bodies stress hormones, improves sleep quality and builds confidence. Exercise doesn’t have to be high intensity either – even taking twenty minutes to stretch with relaxing yoga or taking a brisk walk will work stress relieving wonders.

Women doing yoga at Bliss Bali retreat

Sometimes when our ladies join us at Bliss, they do not initially realise how much stress affects their health. It is only when they begin to invest their time in taking care of themselves that they understand the necessity of making time to recharge and step back from stress through empowering self-care.

We always recommend that woman should take time out of each day to notice their emotional and physical stress – and act upon it with self-compassion and love! We offer women the chance to hit the ‘off-switch’ from the pressures of modern life with a whole range of activities at Bliss.

Woman relaxing in beautiful pool in Bali
Bliss News

We wanted to share our Bliss experience as far as it can go and so we created Bliss News. Even if you can’t go on a beautiful personalised Women’s Retreat right now, we hope you can take the time to add a bit more bliss to your life in whatever way you choose. Self love comes in all different shapes and sizes but the one thing it has in common is that it starts with you. We hope some of our ideas and laughs and wellness retreat additions are something you can incorporate into your everyday life... love Zoë xxx

Here’s what some of our amazing guests had to say about their personalised bliss experience and why they want to come back.
Guest holding Bliss 'n' Tell card: Self LoveGuest holding Bliss 'n' Tell card: CenteredGuest holding Bliss 'n' Tell card: Loved Happy Free
Blisstimonial Video: Yoga Retreat experience
Blisstimonial Video: A vacation for the soul! Canggu
Blisstimonial Video: The staff can't do enough for you
Bliss Wellness Retreat Recipe:
Bliss Recipe, Banana Pancakes
Bliss Relaxation
We want to encourage all women everywhere to incorporate more relaxation into your life because it’s important for ultimate balance. And this can be done in so many different ways. At Bliss we are all about relaxation but understand different people relax in different ways. Some women tell me they find Crossfit relaxing! LOL I personally can’t relate to that, give me a good book and a gorgeous pool any day lol. But we hope you love our stories on how to relax more and more and more. Because you and your body, mind and soul truly deserve it. You can’t achieve wellness balance without relaxation.
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