Zoë Watson’s Tips On How To Achieve Your Career Dreams
From: SheSaid Website

Zoë Watson, founder of Bliss Sanctuary For Women. Photo: Thanks to Jo Ferguson
Zoë Watson suffered a serious car accident, and went from being a successful but strung-out Australian sales director to a blissed-out Balinese resort owner. She shares her top 5 tips on achieving your career dreams with SheSaid.
- Do lots of research and ask lots of questions. Don’t be scared to ask anyone who is very successful – they are usually more than happy to share their experiences, but ask good quality questions with lots of thought behind them.
- Work hard on ensuring a positive mindset and know that nothing is going to go like you think it will, as in life, but the outcome can be better than you could ever imagine. Nothing is good or bad, it just is the way it is and if you let things flow they will surpass your dreams as you grow and learn.
- Draw on the experiences of those around you, family friends, mentors, and read about people who have gone there before. Keep an open mind but still have the courage of your own convictions.
- Don’t let negativity in. Have an outlet for your emotions and physical release through your chosen exercise. Punching bags are good! There will be trying times, but it’s how you get through these that will determine your success. Never give up and never look at as anything as a failure, just a learning experience.
- Stop thinking and start doing… take time to process, but do not over-think things. It is only in the ‘doing’ that magic happens.
Bliss Sanctuary For Women is a bespoke sanctuary in Canggu, Bali, that allows women to design their own holiday experience. It’s ideal for women who travel alone or in small groups – that’s right – no men, no kids and no couples. It’s not a retreat with activities planned every day, deadlines to meet and food monitoring, but a sanctuary in the true sense of the word where each visitor can indulge in food, pampering, local travel experiences and the true essence of Bali. Visit blisssanctuaryforwomen.com for more information.
January 2013
Bliss Sanctuary For Women, empowering women to travel solo with a tailored Bali retreat holiday just for you.
Follow your bliss your way with an experience completely tailored to you. More than a retreat for women, it’s your personal time out for rejuvenation and wellness. This Bali holiday is free of group schedules so you can choose to do as much or as little as you like. From unlimited sightseeing, unlimited massages, unlimited yoga, meditation, healers, plentiful and yummy food, shopping, personal drivers to take you anywhere you would like to go… it’s all up to you.
Check out our Bali Packages and remember they are all completely flexible so you can change anything you would like once here.
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