Sometimes it’s important to focus on that special someone in your life, and that someone is YOU!
After all you can’t love someone without loving yourself first. That’s why at Bliss we focus on following your bliss and what bliss means to you. Solo travel is all about finding the freedom to love yourself and spending time doing what you love most.
Here are some great ideas to help you love yourself:
1. Pamper Yourself
By taking care of yourself and respecting your body you are showing your body the love it needs. Why not immerse yourself into a hot bath with some gorgeous essential oils and bath salts? Baths are not only beautiful but can also provide many health benefits including better heart health, more balanced hormones and relaxation. You can find true Bliss and spend time reflecting on what makes you happy.

2. Be Grateful
Focusing on the negative only brings negative vibes to your life. It’s important to feel and process your emotions and then focus on the positives and be grateful for the life you have. By looking at your life in a positive light and finding things to be grateful for on a daily basis, such as your health, your family and your job can help change your inner dialogue and the way you treat yourself
3. Nourish your body
Eating nutritious and healthy foods is so important for self-love. Your food choices can affect your mood and also your health which is why it’s important to select the ones that create the highest form of energy, comfort and delight in your body. Wake up and make yourself a gorgeous smoothie bowl with nutritious fruits and fibres. You can get some foodie inspiration here.
4. Be comfortable being you
Many people struggle to have ‘me time’. Perhaps you are mothers, girlfriends or wives that spend most of your time dedicated to others and the thought of having a few hours to yourself seems selfish. Even just an hour every now and then can help to recharge, reset, and re-energize you.
5. Write yourself a message
Positive affirmations and loving notes to yourself can lift your spirits and remind you that you are loved! A small gesture to yourself like this can set you up for a day of success and positive thinking. You could also leave notes for your friends to make their day too. I send notes to myself when I do online shopping, like you deserve it! Then when it arrives it takes the guilt away.
6. Hang out with friends
Why don’t you call your female friends even when you know they are busy and arrange a girl’s lunch or cinema date? It’s important we all take time out to celebrate the inspirational women in our life as the energy of our inner circle is contagious, which is why it is so important to surround ourselves with uplifting, supportive people.

7. Be Mindful
We are all perfectly imperfect. Learning to accept ourselves for who we are is the most important step to self-love. Its empowering to stop comparing ourselves to others and learn to embrace the person you are. Become mindful of your inner voice and whenever negativity starts to kick in, guide it to choose loving thoughts. You deserve to be loved by you.
8. Forgive yourself and others
By deeply forgiving ourselves for the times we may have focused on other people rather than ourselves and perhaps losing ourselves in the process, it will help you to heal and have an open heart that is ready for new relationships. Remember to take time to check in with yourself and to connect to whatever it is that you need to be, feel or do in that moment.
9. Have a digital detox
Our minds are constantly focusing on what other people are doing, their success and how their lives compare to ours. This is unhealthy for our self-love so it’s time to drop your phone, iPad and TV and take some time out to focus on your life. What has made you happy today? What are you looking forward to? How do you feel? Journals are great for this or as I do, just write everything down good or bad and then rip it up and throw it away. It’s amazing how much lighter I feel after this!
10. Exercise
Whether it’s taking a stroll down the beach, going for a run or stretching out with some yoga, fun exercise is a real mood booster. As much as we encourage rest and relaxation and following your bliss, some people love exercising and feel a million times better afterwards. It can also help to clear your mind if you are feeling down or stressed. The trick though is to find exercise you love, not to punish yourself with. Have fun and be fit at the same time.
We hope you love these 10 ways to practice self-love and use whatever resonates with you, to celebrate you. The more we love ourselves the more we have the capacity to love others and give back to the world. It’s truly amazing.

We wanted to share our Bliss experience as far as it can go and so we created Bliss News. Even if you can’t go on a beautiful personalised Women’s Retreat right now, we hope you can take the time to add a bit more bliss to your life in whatever way you choose. Self love comes in all different shapes and sizes but the one thing it has in common is that it starts with you. We hope some of our ideas and laughs and wellness retreat additions are something you can incorporate into your everyday life... love Zoë xxx