When travelling to new destinations, food is a huge part of experiencing a different culture. It’s a chance to tantalise your taste buds and delve headfirst into a brand-new cuisine.
At Bliss Sanctuary for Women, as well as wellness and Western menus, we offer a traditional Balinese menu to all our guests and we share a freshly cooked banquet nightly so our guests can really get a taste of a huge variation of amazing foods. From Ayum Pelalah (Shredded Chicken with Chilli) to Jukut Urab (Vegetables with Coconut), a seafood BBQ with traditional herbs and spices, curries, tropical fruit delights and deserts, the cuisine caters for everyone.
When travelling to new destinations, food is a huge part of experiencing a different culture. It’s a chance to tantalise your taste buds and delve headfirst into a brand-new cuisine.
At Bliss Sanctuary for Women, as well as wellness and Western menus, we offer a traditional Balinese menu to all our guests and we share a freshly cooked banquet nightly so our guests can really get a taste of a huge variation of amazing foods. From Ayum Pelalah (Shredded Chicken with Chilli) to Jukut Urab (Vegetables with Coconut), a seafood BBQ with traditional herbs and spices, curries, tropical fruit delights and deserts, the cuisine caters for everyone.

At a traditional Indonesian dinner, families often gather round a table and enjoy the cuisine from communal plates, sharing a variety of different tastes and textures and making dinnertime a real occasion. Here at Bliss, we like to harness the social elements of Balinese cuisine and share a variety of dishes each night. For many of our guests, the shared dinners are the highlight of their stay, with a wide range of food choices to truly find your bliss.
We truly believe that our Blissful Balinese cuisine is second to none, but if you need a little more persuading, here are our top reasons why you should definitely try our Balinese cuisine:
Distinctive taste
It goes without saying, Balinese food is delicious! It’s full of distinctive, aromatic flavours with lots of traditional vegetables such as sweetcorn, bean sprouts, coconut and green beans. Balinese food is fresh and fulfilling with influences taken from indigenous traditions as well as from Chinese and Indian cuisine.
Huge variety
The great thing about Balinese food is that there’s truly something for everyone, whether you’re vegetarian, vegan or a meat and fish lover! Most of the dishes consist of a grilled meat with rice and vegetables which is shared in a communal manner, meaning you can have as much or as little as you want.
Immune boosting
As Balinese food uses a huge range of different spices, it works wonders for your wellbeing. Spices such as ginger, garlic and turmeric have incredible healing powers and boost your immunity immensely, whilst also helping to improve digestion. But don’t worry, if spice isn’t your thing we can tailor the dishes to suit your needs whilst still keeping all of the immune-boosting goodness in. Balinese cuisine also plays host to a whole range of vitamins and minerals with recipes such as Gado Gado (an Indonesian salad) which is full of Vitamin A and C, Folic Acid, Iron and Potassium. Because the food is so delicious and colourful it’s easy to forget that it’s packed with nutritional value too!
Great energy source
With a cuisine so focused on rice and vegetables, it’s no surprise that Balinese food is a great energy source. In general, Balinese food is nutritionally-balanced and makes up the key components for any good and healthy diet.
Improves brain function
A big part of the Balinese cuisine is its focus on seafood. Seafood is a great way to improve brain function because of its richness in omega-3. At Bliss, we like to enjoy a wide range of seafood from prawns to grilled fish and squid, and it’s a great food group to consume daily.
Stress reduction
A healthy diet goes hand in hand with good wellbeing and because Balinese cuisine has such good nutritional benefits, it’s known to reduce stress significantly. As well as this, it’s meant to improve your skin condition. More reason to indulge!
Increased metabolism
Balinese food is full of fruit, vegetables and good carbohydrates which makes it really effective in speeding up your metabolism. As an added plus, the spicy elements are great for burning fat and feeling fuller for longer. Eating delicious food and still losing weight is possible after all!

We wanted to share our Bliss experience as far as it can go and so we created Bliss News. Even if you can’t go on a beautiful personalised Women’s Retreat right now, we hope you can take the time to add a bit more bliss to your life in whatever way you choose. Self love comes in all different shapes and sizes but the one thing it has in common is that it starts with you. We hope some of our ideas and laughs and wellness retreat additions are something you can incorporate into your everyday life... love Zoë xxx