Speaking to ourselves positively and with respect is so important as the messages we send ourselves can either help us succeed in life or can hold us back from achieving our full potential.
At Bliss we understand how important it is to invest positive energy in ourselves, being kind, loving, and speaking positively about ourselves always.
We’ve compiled some tips to help you focus on speaking more positively to yourself:
Use positive language
One way to practice positive self-talk is to actually use positive language when speaking about ourselves and others. It seems obvious, but many people talk themselves down when it comes to talking about their looks, their personalities and their general lives which in turn can have a negative effect on how our lives play out.
Also, by complaining about things to others you are inflicting your negativity onto others and in turn they will associate negativity with you. If you can learn to let the little things go, it can really help your outlook on life, and your relationships with others.
Positive affirmations
One way to practice positive self-talk is to actually use positive language when speaking about ourselves and others. It seems obvious, but many people talk themselves down when it comes to talking about their looks, their personalities and their general lives which in turn can have a negative effect on how our lives play out.
Also, by complaining about things to others you are inflicting your negativity onto others and in turn they will associate negativity with you. If you can learn to let the little things go, it can really help your outlook on life, and your relationships with others.
Be grateful
This is an important one. Sometimes those who seem to have everything going for themselves can be the most negative people. By changing our mindsets and being grateful for what we have and who we are, we’ll be more likely to lead a positive life and enjoy it.
One way you can do this is to write down some things you are grateful for each day in a journal, and then when you are feeling down or less positive, read them back to lift your mood. Focusing on the good in our lives will help us to love ourselves. Something we encourage all our gorgeous guests to try during their stay with us!
Don’t compare yourself to others
It’s easy to put ourselves down by comparing ourselves to others such as friends, family or even celebrities. Instead of focusing on other people, think about yourself and what you are lucky to have.
What we see on social media of people happy in relationships, succeeding in their careers and living perfect family lives can often be misleading. Social media has become a shop window for our lives, but don’t forget all these people have their own struggles going on behind the scenes.
Don’t get caught up thinking everyone else’s lives are perfect and putting yourself down.
Replace negative thoughts with positive ones
It’s hard to have positive thoughts all the time, however there is a flip side to every situation. It’s down to us to turn negative into positives and remain upbeat when negative thoughts creep into our minds. For example, instead of thinking ‘my house is so messy because of my children’ think ‘I am so grateful to have a full house of healthy children’.
Remove negative people from your life
Everyone will have down days, but some people are just generally down and moody all the time which can really affect your mood if you are surrounded by people like this.
If someone is negative, they can often influence others and bring them down with them. Obviously with close family and friends you don’t need to completely cut them out of your life, however, maybe consider spending less one on one time with them or try to lighten their mood during your time with them.
We hope these tips can help you! Positive self-talk can help you improve your outlook on life. It can also have lasting positive health benefits, including improved well-being and a better quality of life, helping us learn to love ourselves and strengthening the connection we have to our own minds and souls.

We wanted to share our Bliss experience as far as it can go and so we created Bliss News. Even if you can’t go on a beautiful personalised Women’s Retreat right now, we hope you can take the time to add a bit more bliss to your life in whatever way you choose. Self love comes in all different shapes and sizes but the one thing it has in common is that it starts with you. We hope some of our ideas and laughs and wellness retreat additions are something you can incorporate into your everyday life... love Zoë xxx