Tarot card reading can be an exciting experience for you to connect with yourself and reveal what the future holds for you. As your reader draws your card, you feel a great sense of anticipation as you wonder what they will tell you about your life and what’s in store next. Are you going to get a new job or perhaps it’s your time to find that special someone?
However, many people are still un-enlightened and fear the unknown of tarot card reading. They don’t want to know what the future holds in case it’s not what they were hoping for.
But Tarot Card reading is not always foretelling impending doom, it can bring you hope and happiness and give you that positive energy you have been seeking, you just need to overcome the fear and make the most out of the experience.
As with any profession, there are good tarot readers and there are not so good tarot readers. Erlangga is our in-house tarot card reader at Bliss and he is amazing! Our lovely ladies enjoy taking part in sessions with Erlangga, who is an incredible spiritual counsellor that offers intuitive psychology, tarot and spirituality to all of our women.
Many of our guests who haven’t had any type of reading before have taken the plunge and totally loved it!

We have created some tips for you to get the best of your tarot card reading experience and have a positive experience:
Be positive
First thing’s first, be positive! You need to focus on what you can do instead of looking at what you can’t do or focusing on the things that haven’t happened yet. This is important for you to have a positive experience with tarot card reading.
Stay neutral
You shouldn’t enter the session with a view that yours is going to always be the right one. Remember that tarot readings will not show you the absolute outcome of a situation, it simply shows you the most probable future based on your current path. It can also show you how to change your path if you don’t like what the reader has revealed.
Keep your options open
By keeping an open mind, you are allowing the cards to guide your overall decision, rather than having all the answers beforehand. Don’t be disheartened by what the reader has revealed, instead think of ways you can adjust your life to influence your future in a better way, think of it as a positive guidance. All our tarot readers and healers at Bliss ensure guests have the most positive experience.
Be honest
You may be tempted to hold back some embarrassing information during your reading or try and test your reader to see how good they are, but you’re best to be truthful to get an honest reading otherwise it’s a waste of time! Most readers are completely understanding and don’t want to make you feel embarrassed or awkward.
Ask specific questions
Rather than asking the reader everything about your life, focus on what’s most important to you and be specific in your questions. It can be tempting to ask too many questions, but in order to get a good reading your reader needs to put their energy out into the universe to answer that question. They need to focus on one aspect at a time to provide you with clear and concise answers.
Tarot card reading might not be for everyone, but at Bliss we offer it as an option of spiritual healing, which many ladies have found super beneficial. It can be a great way to cope with loss, overcome fears and give you the positivity to take those next steps in your life.

We wanted to share our Bliss experience as far as it can go and so we created Bliss News. Even if you can’t go on a beautiful personalised Women’s Retreat right now, we hope you can take the time to add a bit more bliss to your life in whatever way you choose. Self love comes in all different shapes and sizes but the one thing it has in common is that it starts with you. We hope some of our ideas and laughs and wellness retreat additions are something you can incorporate into your everyday life... love Zoë xxx