We LOVE yoga at Bliss and so do the ladies that visit us! One of the many benefits of yoga is that it can leave you feeling positive and energised.
Sometimes in life it’s hard to be happy and keep yourself motivated. Life gets in the way and, especially through difficult times, it can be a struggle to make yourself feel positive. As paths change, jobs are lost, heart’s break and we lose people close to us, our direction can become a little lost in this ever-evolving landscape.
You can often feel as though you have painted a smile on your face but inside you are still feeling down. You start to wonder if it’s just you who feels like this, but don’t panic we all have down days! The realities of struggling with mental health and emotions is ever more prevalent in the news and in our societies. The power of social media can make everyone’s lives seem perfect and polished, but underneath we know some people are struggling and need a positive lift.
This is why it’s so important to find ways to stay positive, and thankfully there are many amazing ways you can do this and keep stress, anxiety and depression at bay, and one of those is yoga!

As well as being great for exercise, you can connect with your soul and emotions through yoga to increase your positive energy.
When focusing on the technique and rhythmic guidance of the breath, your body can absorb oxygen better which not only helps your muscles to grow strong and deepen your postures but also strengthens the brain and the mind. It can have the same effect as powerful breathing meditations!
By focusing and engaging your mind in the pose of the body, you are able to better relax the mind and wash away negative thoughts of the day. Yoga postures combined with deep breathing facilitate deep relaxation that combats stress and can make you happier. It’s all about finding your inner peace!
The peace and happiness we access on our yoga mats is no accident. Yoga goes deeper than your average exercise-induced dopamine high.
Much of our unhappiness comes from our thoughts or feelings because we judge our experiences in terms of good or bad. Not only does a full practice of yoga and meditation gently remove these self-judgements, but with time, it can begin to reshape our attitudes, views, and thoughts.
Try these yoga poses to boost your energy and create a lighter, happier you
Cat Cow Pose
Use this pose to calm the continuous fluctuations of the mind and relax your nervous system, and create gentle movement through the body, inviting the flow of positive energy through your body.

Warrior II Pose
This pose is great for releasing stress and tension and to remind yourself that you can stand strong, that you are invincible and amazing in everything that you do!

Wheel Pose
Back bends have been known to release endorphins and the deep opening through the front of the body helps to relive stress and energise the body.

Reclined Bound Angle Pose
We live in a crazy busy world, so try this pose to find calmness and stillness and focus your mind.

Our in house yoga instructors at Bliss work with all the yogis and beginners who choose to do yoga in our beautiful sanctuaries to ensure you get the most out of your yoga experience. With intimate classes and personal instructions, you will have the ultimate yoga experience. We offer our ladies unlimited yoga at Bliss with 1-2-1 sessions and group sessions too!

We wanted to share our Bliss experience as far as it can go and so we created Bliss News. Even if you can’t go on a beautiful personalised Women’s Retreat right now, we hope you can take the time to add a bit more bliss to your life in whatever way you choose. Self love comes in all different shapes and sizes but the one thing it has in common is that it starts with you. We hope some of our ideas and laughs and wellness retreat additions are something you can incorporate into your everyday life... love Zoë xxx