Bliss Sanctuary for Women is so much more than a typical yoga, spa or meditation retreat. We keep our guests at the forefront of our values and strive to empower our ladies, getting them to realise that with the right confidence - they can achieve anything they want in life!
It’s truly amazing what self-love, taking care of yourself and doing things just for you can do to your mindset. By taking a minute to focus on yourself, you can change self-perceptions, refill your cup and feel empowered enough to make decisions for yourself.
At Bliss, female empowerment is something we hold close to our hearts. We want our ladies to feel the benefits of achieving Bliss that extends well beyond our walls.
Here we have shared 5 simple but effective methods of empowerment so that your quest for bliss continues - even after you’ve left our beloved sanctuary.
1. Take care of yourself
Remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup—depleting ourselves of valuable energy inhibits our ability to help others and therefore ourselves.
Make sure you are leaving time for true self-nourishment. Identify and reduce or eliminate any activities that may seem relaxing but are increasing your stress like scrolling through social media for example.
It’s important to remain committed to the practices that keep you grounded and connected to your true self whether it’s a spiritual practice, meditation or yoga. Whatever the activity, ensure it speaks to your heart.

Woman relaxing and meditating in beautiful pool in Bali
2. Be Grounded
Give yourself an opportunity to take in your initial response to difficult situations. Take time to feel sadness, shock, grief, or whatever emotions may be arising. Feel love and care for those who may be suffering, including yourself.
Alongside this, invite feelings of comfort and warmth, and stay connected to the deep sense of being always present no matter what is happening in life. Commit to activities that help keep you in touch with this grounded state of being, such as going for a walk amongst nature or breathing exercises.
3. Reflect on Yourself Positively
A lot of people see only what they “could have done” or “should have done” which is discouraging and diminishes the importance of our initial efforts.
One of the most important parts of empowerment is to reflect on what you did and why it helped. This creates positive emotional responses and increases your chances of being proactive again in the future.
4. See the silver lining
Think of past life events that made you feel powerless and try to find a way in which they improved an aspect of your life. Accepting that life is full of mistakes and changes is part of being and feeling empowered. Uncertainty about the future is normal, and the ability to recover from mistakes and failures is essential for mental resilience and empowerment of any individual.
5. Travel solo
What better way to embark on a journey of self-discovery than experiencing solo travel? A solo adventure is one of the most empowering things someone can do. It gives you an opportunity to make decisions for yourself, experience new cultures, new ways of living that are yours and yours only to savour. The things you eat, the activities you do and how you spend your day is all up to you, and it’s this sense of freedom and focus on yourself that ultimately empowers us to do more.

Woman relaxing in flower bath Bliss Bali retreat

We wanted to share our Bliss experience as far as it can go and so we created Bliss News. Even if you can’t go on a beautiful personalised Women’s Retreat right now, we hope you can take the time to add a bit more bliss to your life in whatever way you choose. Self love comes in all different shapes and sizes but the one thing it has in common is that it starts with you. We hope some of our ideas and laughs and wellness retreat additions are something you can incorporate into your everyday life... love Zoë xxx